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The Healing Voice of the Heart

A 7-day Online Experience
to deeply heal with the power of your words

Learn to use the Quantum Language of your Heart to self-heal emotional blocks
trapped in organs of your Body,
restore your physical health,
and release
self-liming beliefs to build the life you desire
one word at a time!

We start Thursday 31st October '24
Exclusive PRE-SALE offer $23 until Friday 24th October' 24 ($60 thereafter)

Words can wound, tear you apart, and leave deep scars in your existence.......

But they also have the power to trigger long-lasting healing effects, both at the emotional and physical level!

 Experience what it really feels like to harness the power of your words to release emotional blocks from the Body for good, get to the spiritual root cause of any physical dis-eases and ailments to restore your health, and attract the things you desire in life, one word at the time!

Work with me for 7 days to experience the magic of words to self-heal, 
create deeply spiritual and emotional shifts with your Divine self, and build strong intuitive insights that will give you the clarity and confidence you need to
attract what you desire in life, while you become healthier, more energised and resilient in the process!


This experience is perfect for you if:


-You have the same intrusive thoughts bombarding your head, and you struggle to find the inner peace and calmness you desperately need to 'think straight' and make a decision. At the same time you feel it's hard to put into words those thoughts and the emotions that come with them, let alone know what your next step should be.


-You suffer from severe anxiety or panic attacks, and you struggle to understand the how's and why's that cause them, knowing that you can't even put into words how you truly feel, because that lump in your throat, that pressure on your lungs and chest just leave you feeling powerless and unsafe. 


- You suffer from aches and pains, and despite trying various therapies to 'manage the pain', nothing seems to work as they come to haunt you way too often, at times making it almost impossible for you to think or do anything in your day. 


-You've been diagnosed with a long-term condition, and the idea of having to live with it makes you feel powerless and defenceless, let alone able to reverse it altogether

To the point that you've now come to see your body as a hindering factor, the cause of your pain and sorrow, the main reason why you can't do the things you once loved!


​-You are torn between speaking your needs and desires in your relationships, and being 'flexible', because you're afraid it might cause a rift that will cause you to be alone again, and the mere prospect terrifies you!


-You've been stuck in your career for a while, and you know you have some amazing gifts that will make you feel truly alive if only you applied them, but the idea of finding out what you are good at and how you can make it happen feels like really hard work, that you talk yourself out of it, feeling already emotionally and physically drained before you even take the first step​​​​​​​​

It's time to shift this NOW!

The answer to change the way you feel
is in the Quantum Language of your Heart!

This is where you'll experience a definitive shift within yourself right from the very start!

Where you'll feel you've tapped into your full potential, that powerful magnet inside of you that attracts more love and health just with the power of your words!

Join us Thursday 31st October 2024
n our private Facebook Group!

Samantha, UK

''I had a session with Eliana, it was the most amazing powerful session I have ever had, it was emotional, I needed it, ever since I've been able to connect with my higher self, I've more energy and I'm more connected with the universe, thank you so much for the experience!!!''

How I self healed with the Quantum Language
of the Heart


My love affair with the Heart began over a decade ago, when I was diagnosed with a dis-ease that left me powerless to move my right arm; along with this major physical trauma, I struggled with severe headaches, digestive problems, insomnia and severe anxiety on a daily basis


When the dis-ease hit me, I felt so powerless not just because of the lost mobility, but also because I had to give up many of the things I loved, like going to the gym, meeting friends, dancing, and just being totally independent and carefree

As a result, I quickly became very depressed and contemplated taking my own live on multiple occasions​


I became so frustrated and angry with myself and everyone around me, unable to understand how on earth I had not seen that coming, having always been very athletic and on the move with my job and social life.....


Then one day, physically exhausted and at a loss for explanations, I decided to ask my Heart just ONE question:

'ok, what is it that you need from me?'

That's when my Heart really opened up to me, and showed the quantum reality about me:

it showed me how the Body had altered and deteriorated with the things I had said to myself over the years, and with the thoughts and emotions that had been left unspoken for so long!


Thoughts of painful memories, low self-worth, loss, grief and rejection!


And because of these thoughts and beliefs, the sound of my spoken and unspoken words had left a imprint in the physical tissues of my Body, a resonance of frequency that my Body had mimicked into its dis-eased state to reflect my deep emotional wounds like a perfect mirror of reality!


That's when I stopped seeing the Body as the enemy, and I began seeing it as the key to heal my emotional wounds, and restore my physical health!


By changing the quality of my words I began healing my deeply buried emotional wounds, began seeing the changes in my Body as my Mind relaxed and felt more at peace, my energy levels surged, my sleep patterns improved, and finally began feeling more confident that now I was on the right path of recovery!


My aches gradually disappeared, and I regained full mobility of my right arm: that's when I began meeting people again, dating, and finally rejoined the local gym, knowing that I had tapped into my full potential to create my well-being and the life I desired!


One word at the time!


It's not difficult, it's not hard, it's a labour of love, and you make it happen with the power of your words!


Let's do this together:)


Eli x


Imagine if you could: 

-experience a profound spiritual shift , so that you could get to the root cause of those emotional wounds and negative thoughts? To the point that it feels natural to want to let go of them, embrace your full potential, and feel good about yourself and the decisions and choices you make going forward?

-learn to intuitively recognise the role of the organs in your Body in your spiritual and mental development, and the effects of negative emotions and limiting beliefs on them, so that you know which words to use to shift the way you feel at the cellular level, and feel lighter in your Body and the Mind?

- learn to connect your Divine Heart guidance, and use the right words to self-heal your Body, so you see your health improve at a faster rate? With your energy levels and confidence now rising rapidly?
Are you ready to grab your gym bag? Book that long-weekend trip with your other half? Apply for that job you've had your eyes on for a while now?

feel good about sharing your thoughts and opinions with the people in your life, in a way that you feel you're speaking your Mind and Heart,  and that your own truth and purpose are being fully heard and understood,  without having to sugarcoat the message, or feeling afraid of the consequences of what they might think or do?Because your words have now become a powerful bridge of communication for healthy relationships, rather than destructive patterns?

-develop deep intuitive insights to discover how the power of your words can effortlessly shift things around you, where people are naturally attracted to you and your presence, your communication and your charisma? 

What you'll experience in 7 days

--What you think the energies of spoken and unspoken are saying, and what they actually communicate to you, your Mind and your Body, and how to harness those energies to create lasting healing effects in your health and your relationships
-4 LIVE sessions (REPLAYs available) with me, where I'll share powerful steps to help you self-heal with the power of words, and feel strong shifts at the emotional and physical level as you practise them

-powerful daily exercises with the Quantum Language of your Heart to help you strengthen and accelerate your insights and progress, and feel the results from the very start!
-1 LIVE Q&A session, where you can ask me anything about your progress, and where I can give you my direct guidance and insight into your specific challenges
-1 Heart Quantum Language activation session, to help you tap into your unique intuitive potential, so you can start shifting things faster!


Teana, UK

​Eliana has the most soothing voice, it washes over you and makes you feel safe and protected. 

Throughout the session, Eliana guided my thoughts, my breathing, my mind, part of which was like a guided meditation, which led me to visualise better than I usually am able to. I've never felt this to be something that comes to me naturally and the best I usually see are colours. This time i visualised actual things!

I'd woken with a sore back on the morning of the session and without knowing this, Eliana said she felt I was holding pain in my bladder and back! WOW! This is via a zoom call by the way and not even face to face!

After the session I felt so rested, so relaxed, and pain free! That night I slept a full 8 hours, something I rarely do nowadays, usually getting 7 at best, so this was incredible for me. I woke feeling completely rested. Like I'd slept really well. 

Laura, Spain


I am really glad I joined your academy.

Your first video this year, and the method you showed us had something scientific/very structured...I mean i can really see the benefit, and the download of information i got, i love it! And the Cosmic Joy concept, i love it too! I am happy I am working with you, developing my intuition. Thank you from the dephts of my Heart!

I feel the work with You is opening unimaginable doors towards Inner Freedom for me....And getting to know myself better!

Kelly, UK

I had the honour of a virtual energy session with Eliana. 

Eliana has a beautiful presence and aura; she's intuitive, soothing and professional, I felt calm, relaxed, understood and safe. Before our session I had been challenged with feeling emotionally depleted and experienced blocked energy. Eliana skillfully and intuitively guided me, filling my heartspace with renewed warmth and flow, releasing and clearing stuck energies, physical painn and realigning my intuition. I felt so much more in tune and elevated following on from our session. I highly recommend working with Eliana! thank you Eliana!

You are ready to heal with the power of your words, and become a powerful magnet to attract love and joy in your life!
Your Body is ready to transform with the power of your words, and become a magnet to attract health and happiness in your existence!
Will you immerse yourself in this profound healing experience, and awaken to your full potential?

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